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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Employee’s Moral Obligation towards the Organization


The aim of this article is to explain briefly employer and employee relationship, its nature, and the ethical responsibilities of an employee towards an organization. Some consequences are also stated for what will happen if an employee’s moral obligation is disregarded. The employer-employee relationship is a significant human relationship of mutual dependency. The relationship between the employer and employee is laden with moral responsibilities. Both worker and bosses should guide their choices by basic ethical principles.

Keywords: Employee, Moral, Obligation, Organization


What makes an organization successful?  You’ve heard it all. Sales profit, good marketing, creativity, vision and even an attractive slogan. But the underlining factor behind all of this, the thing that makes all of this possible, is employer-employee relationships. If you’re going to look at it, we can compare an organization to an engine, and employee and employer being the wheels. A good relationship between these two wheels will only take the organization forward (II)

The employer-employee relationship should not be looked at simply in economic terms. It is a significant human relationship of mutual dependency that has great impact on the people involved. A person’s job, like a person’s business, is highly valued possessions that pervasively affect the lives of the employees and their families. With stakeholders everywhere, the relationship is laden with moral responsibilities. Though the pressures of self-interest are very powerful and compelling, both workers and bosses should guide their choices by basic ethical principles including honest, candour, respect and caring. (Josephson, 2016). After being hired by an organization, the new employee will undergo a process of contract signing. A contract, as defined in the dictionary, is a voluntary, deliberate, and legally binding agreement between two or more competent parties. (I) Included therein are the employee’s job description, salary details, and most importantly, the employee’s contractual obligations towards the organization. However, the obligations of an employee towards an organization are not limited to what was stipulated on the contract. Employees also have to fulfil moral obligations towards the organization. Examples of moral obligations of an employee are loyalty to the organization, working towards the goals of the organization and not doing anything that could harm the organization, executing the job with diligence, and the duty of not disclosing any confidential information about the organization.  

Organization and Employee Relationship

The Employee-organization relationship (EOR) is an overarching term to describe relationship between the employee and the organization.  A social exchange relationship begins with one party bestowing a benefit to another. If the beneficiary reciprocates, and then a series of benefits exchanges occur, this creates feelings of mutual obligations between the parties. Over time, the relationship can then be characterized as one where the exchange partners trust each other to reciprocate benefits received. But who is the organization? With the exception of principals, the organization cannot be a party to the employment relationship except through agents that represent them. Irrespective of who is taken as an agent of the organization in terms of level of managerial hierarch, an assumption is made in the EOR that managers, as organizational agents, act in concert with the interests of the organization. In other words, managers are assumed to adopt a role relationship in which actions and decision are guided by and also promote the interests of the organization. (Coyle-Shapiro & Shore, 2007)

When an employer hires a new employee, he is not just bringing a new member of the workforce aboard; he is also starting a new relationship. Because employers and employees often work in close quarters, they necessarily develop relationships. Managing these relationships is vital to business success, as strong relationships can lead to greater employee happiness and even increased productivity. To reap these benefits, one must keep the dynamics of employer-employee relationship in mind. (Schreiner). 

Relationship Basics
Generally, employer and employee relationships should be mutually respectful. The degree of closeness in these relationships will depend on both the employer and the employee. Some employers opt to keep their employees at a distance, to ensure that there is no confusion as to the hierarchy that exists between them. Others prefer to become friendlier with their employees, seeing this as a way to amp up employee happiness.(Schreiner).

Mutual Reliance
The employer-employee relationship should be one of mutual reliance. The employer is relying upon the employee to perform her job and in doing so, keep the business running smoothly. Conversely, the employee is relying upon the employer to pay her and enable her to support himself and potentially his family, financially. (Schreiner).  Reliance, as defined in the business dictionary, is an acting upon another’s statement of alleged fact, claim, or promise. Organizations basically hire people to do work for them like bookkeeping, encoding, and many more processes necessary in the operation of a business. However, there is more than this seemingly-simple kind of relationship between the two parties. Are employers giving the right compensation and benefits that the employees deserve for the work they’re doing? Are employees doing their best in meeting deadlines, reaching production targets? Were employees able to zero-out their workload? Or are they slacking in their workplace that’s why they’re unable to deliver what was expected from them?
Relationship Building

Just as with all relationships, the employer and employee relationship is one that must develop over time. Employers can promote the building of relationships by speaking candidly with their employees about their lives, asking them about their families and learning about their interests. Similarly, employees can promote the building of this relationship by being open with their employer and sharing information about themselves and their lives. (Schreiner)  In our workplace, we have this monthly touch point with our superiors. There, we discuss our performance rating. Aside from that, this is like a “get to know each other”. For example, you have personal problems which you don’t want to disclose to your other colleagues, you can disclose it to your superior. After listening, she’ll help you by giving advice or sharing similar problems they had encountered and how she’s able to overcome it.   Aside from that, we can also request counselling anytime if we have confusions in making big decisions.

We also have “gala” with our superiors, for example, eating together to some fast food chains after our shift and teambuilding. I believe these are just some of the ways which could help in bolstering the relationship between the employer and the employee.


Though the type of employee and employer relationship that is considered appropriate varies from company to company, boundaries exist at almost all companies. Generally, it is unwise for employers to develop romantic relationships with their employees. Similarly, employers should exercise care to ensure that the relationship they develop with one employee isn’t notably closer than the relationships they develop with others, as this can lead to concerns regarding favouritism or similar issues of unfairness within the workplace.(Schreiner)  Employers should embody the idiom “Business is business” in their every decisions. Business decisions made should be completely separate from the emotions or personal issues (i.e. a manager fires an employee to favour the request of another employee which the manager likes , or he promotes an employee even if that employee is not a performer while other candidates for promotion are performers). As for employees, the closeness of your employer to you must not blur the fact that there is a line that separates employees and employer.

Moral Obligations of Employees toward the Organization

If an employer were secretly to look for a replacement for an employee by conducting interviews behind the employee’s back, most employees would consider it as an act of betrayal. On the other hand, when an employee without any notice to an employer secretly looks for a new job, often covering up interviewing time with deception or lies, is it any less untrustworthy? When an employer decides to let go an employee, it is generally thought that the employer should give the employee ample notice or severance pay. But what of the ethics of the employee who walks into the boss, office and gives him a very short and unreasonable notice to leave his job. Due to the discrepancy in power, many employees adopt a double standard that gives them more leeway than they afford the employer. One aspect of this attitude draws on the doubtful assertions of necessity. Another is the implicit belief that if an offer is too good to refuse, there is no moral obligation to refuse. It does not take much scrutiny to see that these are all self-serving rationalizations. The moral obligations of an employee include loyalty, candour, care and respect. The mismatch in economic strength between the employer and the employee does not change that.  People of character take into account their moral obligations to their employer before they interview for another job If they know that their departure will jeopardize the organization, co-workers or customers they should make it clear at the job interview that they are not available until they have provided a reasonable transition. If we are not certain how much hardship departure may cause the principle of respect suggests that the parties most affected be given an opportunity to participate in a discussion to suggest the least harmful alternative. Since the employee/employer relationship operates in the context of business, there is a tendency to play different rules dictated by who has the leverage, and principles of expediency-what you can get away with-rather than moral principle. (Alolade & Adofikwu)

Another moral obligation of an employee towards an organization is Job Completion.  Basically, employees are paid to deliver what they’re required. In our case, we have our daily quotas or production target.  Employees should not be slacking inside the workplace and they should give 100 percent effort to their job at all times even if there’s no one watching them. Issues of slacking are common on some government offices. Some employees, especially those of higher position, comes to office to time in , then leaves immediately going to their other appointments like car washing  and others.

 Another obligation of an employee is to be honest.  Employees should give truthful information to their employers, and in doing so, help the employer make informed decisions. Remaining truthful without fail can present a challenge, particularly when presenting a little white lie would help an individual advance with her current position. However, honesty is not only the best policy but it is also the morally correct path on which all employees should remain. 

Another obligation of employees is that the employee is expected to act in utmost fidelity during the continuance of his/her employment and act in the employer’s interest at all material times. Employees basically are like representatives of a company. Imagine being drunk and provoking while wearing your organization’s shirt in a public place. People would likely perceive that an employee from company X is drunkard and lack self control. Employees must live by the core values of the organization they’re working for, not only inside the workplace but also outside, especially in public places. As employees of a certain organization, we are also responsible in keeping the good image of the company we work for.

Next moral obligation is avoiding conflict of interest. Conflict of interest is defined as a situation in which a corporation or person with a vested interest in a company becomes unreliable because of the clash between personal interests and professional interests. (III)  This is a common scenario especially to employees who have access to the money usage of their organizations. Government employees usually fall to these temptations. An example which recently happened is the case of Laoag City Treasury office wherein Php 85,000,000 was allegedly stolen by the city’s treasurer, before fleeing to the United States. (Adriano 2017)

Next moral obligation is to follow all lawful and reasonable requests by the employer. Employees need to follow all requests and requirements from their employer as long as they are lawful, within the scope of their job and their employment agreement, and are not dangerous to the health and safety of the employees. (IV)

Lastly, it is the employee’s moral obligation to not disclose confidential information of his employer.  An example of this confidential information is trade secrets. Trade secret is defined as any valuable business information that is not generally known and is subject to reasonable efforts to preserve confidentiality. (V) An example of these trade secrets is secret recipes of our favourite fast food chain. For instance an employee from Jollibee was terminated and later hired by McDo, he/she shouldn’t be divulging the recipes of the menu offered in Jollibee, as this will not only nullify the competitive advantage of Jollibee in that specific beverage but may also change the competitive positions of the two fast food chains.


When an employer hires a new employee, he is not just bringing in a new member to the workforce; he is also starting a new relationship. Sine employers and employees often work in close quarters, they necessarily develop relationships. Managing these relationships is vital to business success, as strong relationships can lead to greater employee happiness and even increased productivity. To reap these benefits, one must keep the dynamics of employer-employee relationship in mind. The employer-employee relationship must be based on trust, respect, and mutual resilience. The relationship between the employer and employee should be strengthened. However, the line between employer and employee relation must not be blurred, meaning, employers must keep boundaries to main hierarchical difference. Also we’re able to cite some moral responsibilities of employees towards the organization and some of the problems which may occur upon failure to execute such responsibilities. We should try our best in upholding these ethical responsibilities even if no one is looking. God gave us knowledge to know what is morally right and wrong. We should not be wasting this gift, but instead we should use this for the betterment of ourselves and the world where we are living.

Josephson, M. (2016) Ethical Responsibilities in the Employer-Employee Relationshiip-Applying Ethical Principles.   Retrieved from     http://josephsononbusinessethics.com/2010/12/responsibilities-employer-employee-relationship/
(I)                www.businessdictionary.com
Schreiner, E.(2017) What is an Employer-Employee Relationship.  Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/employeremployee-relationship-16737.html
Coyle-Shapiro, J and Shore, L. (2017) The employee-organization relationship: where do we go from here?    Retrieved from                                                                             https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6610291.pdf
(II)              Importance of Employer-Employee Relationship(2014)
Alolade, S. &  Adfikwu, A.  (2017) The Basic Rights and Obligations of Parties in Employer/Employee Relationship Retrieved from  http://www.thelawyerschronicle.com/the-basic-rights-and-obligations-of-parties-in-employeremployee-relationship/
(III)          www.investopedia.com
Adriano, L. (2017) Probe Lost Laoag Funds, Ombudsman Urged Anew   Retrieved from http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/


Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Business and Environment

Charmaine Aquino
Mikee Charlemagne Factores
Penny Laine Puazo

I.                   Abstract
This paper aims to explore the real reasons why businesses (public and privately-owned) exist and what their relationship to the environment really is. The main focus is to discuss the negative effects these businesses give to the environment and the possible ways on how to address these—either to minimize or stop them. The continuous subjugation and exploitation of the environment by established businesses has posed a great risk in the complete destruction of natural resources. This and its undesirable consequences to the people living around them. Rules and regulations regarding the preservation of biodiversity and all other natural resources has been enumerated, along with a non-comprehensive discussion of the Corporate Social Responsibility practiced among all organizations and what ethics has to do with it. The result of the paper indicates that laws regarding these should be properly observed because it is the way government wants to protect our environment. Business is not just about profit gains but also considers many factors that helps it operate, in this case the environment has the greatest contribution to it. In addition, ethics is an essential ingredient for today’s business success, because it is considered as a final value produced by and for the company.

Environment         biodiversity                 exploitation                 preservation
Business                natural resources         mining                         subjugation
Ethics                    DENR                         illegal logging              rules and regulations
Business and the environment

A Business
Every business has a purpose. This is the main factor which drives the business to operate. The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents. Minimally, the money received should fund the costs of operating the business as well as provide for the life needs of the proprietor (Weiss, 2013). This is often associated with the mission and vision of every business entity. It defines the reason for the company’s existence. Having a strong sense of purpose gives people a clear sense of what their contribution to the company means, and also how they should do things every day. It makes their work feel more meaningful – a key motivator for staff across all generations, because we all have an innate desire to contribute to something bigger.

The Philippine Environment and Environment in General
“God created man in His image and likeness; in the divine image He created him; male and female He created them.
“God blessed them saying, “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on earth.”
-Genesis 1:27-28
The passage from the Bible might have been taken literally by the people—to have dominion over all things on Earth. This is exactly what happened in the past, what’s happening today and probably might be happening in the future. The subjugation and exploitation of the environment has caused major damage in the past centuries and sadly, the human way of “taking dominion over all things on earth” will continue in the future.
There were a few people then and the Earth has easily recovered from the “damage” humans inflicted on it. But now, there are more than 5 billion people compared to less than half a million many years ago, it becomes very difficult for the earth to recover. (Deauna and Dorado, 2008)
The Philippines has a total land area of about 300,000 square kilometres, about 92,000 square kilometres are farmland, and about 72,000 square kilometres are forest land, including 65,000 square kilometres of public land and 7,000 square kilometres of privately owned land.
In that vast expanse of land lies minerals and other valuable items that can bring large profits to businesses. The major natural mineral resources, for example, include coal, cobalt, copper, chromite, gold, gypsum, iron, natural gas, nickel, petroleum, salt, silver, and sulphur.
Also, the Philippines fertile lands can house millions of trees which are habitats of other millions of land animals, some of them rare and now, very much extinct. Some of these include the tamaraw and tarsier which can only be found in the country.
Not only that, the Philippines’ aquatic reaches expands wide and contains more riches than anyone can ever imagine. It’s blessed with excellent natural harbors for ports. Most popular tourist attraction is the famous underground river in Palawan; the heart-shaped Laguna de Bay; lake Taal in Batangas; Maria Christina falls and the Pagsanjan falls are among others. These are precious stones and beautiful Coral Reefs which are contained under them.
Being surrounded by the ocean, it is no surprise that the Philippines rely on the waters as an important natural resource. There are more than 640,000 square miles of territorial waters in the Philippines and within these waters; there is an abundance of marine life and materials that are valuable to the nation's people and those across the world. At least 65 species of the 2,400 available species in Filipino waters have solid commercial value, and the crabs, seaweed, pearls and other ocean treasures make the sea among the top resources for this archipelago. (Morgan, 2015)

However, the Philippines is prone to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, lying across the typhoon belt, in the active volcanic region known as the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” and in the geologically unstable region between the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates. The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, soil erosion, air and water pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of coastal resources, and overfishing. (Narsus, 2015)
              Kennedy, N. (2010). Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility: Workshop Summary. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK53982/
Relationship between Business and Environment
Environment is closely related with business. There is a constant ‘give and take’ relationship between environment and business. The business receives inputs, information and technology from the environment and gives it back in the form of goods and services (Tanuja, 2017). Every business should always take into consideration the community that maybe affected in their daily operations. They are part of the stakeholders as well. They may not be directly benefited from the business operations but the wastes from the businesses greatly affect their daily living. Many business operations depend on the environment, as it can be the primary source of raw materials and can affect business processes. Companies around the world are integrating environmental interest with business and are becoming proactive in finding ways to reduce environmental impact. Additionally, consumers are favoring businesses that contribute to protecting natural resources. How your company addresses environmental issues affects the turnout of your business (Davoren, 2017). Regardless of the type of business you run, it's possible to reduce your impact on the environment and improve your bottom line. Lowering your carbon footprint, reducing your waste and becoming more sustainable can result in energy, water or waste management savings. It can also increase your profit through efficiency or productivity gains.

Environmental issues affect business because laws require them to change equipment and procedures to meet imposed standards, which costs business money. Many businesses do such Corporate Social Responsibility effort to preserve the environment. Some environmental issues affecting business include industrial waste, sustainable development of raw materials and water and air emissions. These issues require additional cost to the business in man hours, procedures, and equipment.
Proper disposal of waste is the most common issue that needs to be addressed. Businesses most especially those in the manufacturing process create waste that obviously harms the environment. By products from these needs to be dispensed properly in accordance with the environmental laws existing in that certain place. Recycling programs can also be done; the waste of one manufacturer can be a raw material for another business. Waste is minimized and the business also benefits from it because selling the wastes in the form of raw materials is also an added profit for them.
Another environmental issue is the sustainable development of raw materials. Raw materials used by manufacturers which include natural resources such as wood require business to take measures to replace what it uses. Planting trees to replace them is the simplest way but it will take time for these to be able to grow into mature ones. Again, the effect on business is cost in terms of higher raw materials costs, which usually include the supplier's cost to “replant” or “restock” the natural raw materials.
Emissions both air and water affects the environment as well. Again, environmental protection laws require businesses to protect the environment from exposure to these. Remedial process include placing screens of specified gauges over smoke stacks, filtration of waste water and lining of retention ponds with clay and poly liners. New regulations are implemented frequently that require retrofitting of manufacturing facilities with increased protections, such as screens of even finer gauges and pond liners of newer and safer materials. All of these measures are costly to business and affect businesses first by decreasing profit margins
Ethical Relationship between Business and the Environment
Environmentalists and business leaders have traditionally seen themselves at odds. But the concepts of business, ethics, and the environment can be aligned to create innovation rather than legislation and litigation. There are no magic solutions; however, asking the right questions is a step in the right direction.
Businesses must continue to create value for their financiers and other stakeholders. To leave a livable world for future generations, business leaders also must pay attention to environmental matters. Yet most of the methods, concepts, ideas, theories, and techniques used in business do not put business, ethics, and the environment together. Neither ethics nor regard for natural systems is typically central to the way we think about business.
In a similar way, environmental considerations are frequently viewed as barriers to profitability. They are viewed as necessary evils, costs to be minimized, or regulations with which to comply. The environment is rarely considered central to business strategy unless there is some regulation that constrains business goals. Historically, business people neither have been encouraged nor discouraged to get involved with environmental concerns. Models and theories of business traditionally have been silent on the subject of the environment. Silence, however, is no longer an option in the face of society’s recognition of the potential environmental price of corporate profits.
An increasing number of citizens consider themselves to be environmentalists. Governments are increasing their cooperative actions to address worldwide environmental concerns such as global warming and biodiversity. And interest groups are beginning to propose solutions to problems that involve business decision-making outside of and beyond government regulation.
The success of every business depends on adapting itself to the environment within which it functions. For example, when there is a change in the government policies, the business has to make the necessary changes to adapt itself to the new policies. Similarly, a change in the technology may render the existing products obsolete, as we have seen that the introduction of computer has replaced the typewriters; the color television has made the black and white television out of fashion. Again a change in the fashion or customers’ taste may shift the demand in the market for a particular product, e.g., the demand for jeans reduced the sale of other traditional wear. All these aspects are external factors that are beyond the control of the business. So the business units must have to adapt themselves to these changes in order to survive and succeed in business. Hence, it is very necessary to have a clear understanding of the concept of business environment and the nature of its various components.
Business and Environment
There is a close and continuous interaction between the business and the environment. This interaction helps in strengthening the business firm and using its resources more effectively. As stated above, the business environment is multifaceted, complex, and dynamic in nature and has a far-reaching impact on the survival and growth of the business. To be more specific, proper understanding of the environment helps the business in the following ways:
a.       Determining Opportunities and Threats: The interaction between the business and its environment would identify opportunities for and threats to the business. It helps the business enterprises for meeting the challenges successfully.
b.      Giving Direction for Growth: The interaction with the environment leads to opening up new frontiers of growth for the business firms. It enables the business to identify the areas for growth and expansion of their activities.
c.       Continuous Learning: Environmental analysis makes the task of managers easier in dealing with business challenges. The managers are motivated to continuously update their knowledge, understanding and skills to meet the predicted changes in realm of business.
d.      Image Building: Environmental understanding helps the business organizations in improving their image by showing their sensitivity to the environment within which they are working.
e.       Meeting Competition: It helps the firms to analyze the competitors’ strategies and formulate their own strategies accordingly.
f.       Identifying Firm’s Strength and Weakness: Business environment helps to identify the individual strengths and weaknesses in view of the technological and global developments.
Every business enterprise is an integral part of the society. It uses the scarce resources of the society to continue and grow. Hence, it is important that no activity of business is injurious to the long run interests of the society—that’s where ethics comes in. However, it is observed that, in practice, there are a few socially undesirable aspects of business such as, polluting the environment, non-payment of taxes, manufacturing and selling adulterated products, giving misleading advertisement and so on. This has resulted in the development of the concept of social responsibility of business whereby the owners and managers of business are made conscious about the responsibilities of their business towards the environment.
Environmental responsibility is widely viewed as an aspect of corporate social responsibility. But the idea that business has a responsibility toward the environment is treated almost as a self-evident proposition, and the theoretical basis for such an assumption is rarely discussed. Whether the objects of environmental ethics wildlife, the natural environment, and so forth qualify as stakeholders is among the key questions that need to be reexamined.
However, when it comes to responsibility toward nature or the global environment, the objects of responsibility are non-human entities the atmosphere, soil, water, wildlife, and so forth that are not covered by traditional ethics. The concept of responsibility toward the natural world as a whole has arisen only in recent years, as human activities that interfere with natural cycles have been carried out on such a scale as to upset the balance of nature and the environment.
Environmental ethics considers the ethical relationship between business and the natural world and the kind of decisions companies have to make about the environment: Should we continue to cut down the rain forests for the sake of human consumption? Should we continue to manufacture petrol-driven cars when we have the technology to make cars which do not pollute the environment? Should we knowingly cause the extinction of other species? What are our environmental obligations to future generations? Should humans be forced to live a simpler lifestyle in order to protect and preserve the environment?
Most people recognize that our planet is in a bad way and we all seem to have an opinion on environmental issues, such as climate change or the use of four-wheel drive cars in cities. The importance of environmental ethics is brought home daily by the news of global warming and its effect on our lives, both now and in the future.
All human and business activities have an impact on the environment. Indeed, each individual has an ecological footprint that represents the sum of that person’s resource use and contributions to pollution. (United Nations Environment Programme, 2009)
The government should be the one leading the preservation of the Earth. In the Philippines, current President Duterte stated that mining companies and all others who exploits the environment relentlessly have the right to mine, but in doing so, care must be exercised that we do not harm the environment. In any way we can, we must give back what we’ve taken to preserve our natural resources (Anunciado and Gita, 2017).
The success of every business depends on adapting itself to the environment within which it functions. Adjusting the relationship between business and the environment is one of the most fundamental issues businesses face and must deal with Here, organization managers have major tasks and responsibilities. Ethical principles concerning environment should be internalized by all the organizations for an effective environmental management. In order to meet their social and business responsibilities, organizations should behave like this and sustainability should be the key of their guidelines.
Ethics is an essential ingredient for today’s business success, because it is considered as a final value produced by and for the company. In other words, ethical management should be implemented to achieve not only a value that will provide a better external corporate reputation, but also a good place to work (Palomino, Gomis, Banon, & Carmen, 2011). Ethical management is not only necessary for a good business atmosphere or success of organizations, but also for environmental values.
Corporate Social Responsibility is an added bonus to the preservation of the environment. At a minimum, corporate social responsibility includes environmental issues, but it also takes on social, ethical, governance, health, and other issues (Kennedy, 2010).
The business-environment interaction is a continuous process. We primarily get our resources from the environment, and in return we should learn how to take care and preserve it. There will soon be a time wherein these resources would vanish and all of us will suffer. Laws regarding these should be properly observed because it is the way government wants to protect our environment. Business is not just about profit gains but also considers many factors that helps it operate, in this case the environment has the greatest contribution to it.

VII.           References
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Building a fair Hiring process: Overcoming political challenges

  BLESSIE JANE PAZ B. ANTONIO JANICE D. RASAY Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines Abstract The hiring process and pr...