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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The ethical challenge of power tripping in school-based management.



Divine Word College of Laoag 


This paper seeks to study the effect of Power Tripping and its negative outcome in the delivery of quality service to its stakeholders within the concept of School-Based Management in Public Schools in the Philippines. School Administrators are vested with authority, accountability, and responsibility for ensuring access, promoting equality, and improving the quality of basic education. An ethical challenge arises when School Administrators misuses their authority for personal gain and interest. This could deter the actualization of the objectives of the organization, hence, causing failure to achieve the overall vision and mission. In spite of this, Transformational Leadership plays a pivotal role for the reason that it emphasizes on inspiring and motivating employees to perform in ways that create meaningful change.

Keywords:     Leadership and Governance, School-Based Management,

 Accountability, Transformational Leadership 


In any organization, leaders have so many responsibilities and some of the workload needed to be delegated to others. Delegation is an advanced Leadership Skills. In delegation, it is implied that one member has been empowered by one’s leader to take responsibility in completing a certain activity or task.  The International Institute for Management Development (2024) gave emphasis to delegation in leadership promotes individual employee growth. It encourages them to be confident  in their abilities and recognize their contribution to the organization. Employees will identify their strengths and weaknesses and can craft an effective strategy to improve in areas lacking. Harvard Business Review (2017) also stressed that in delegation, leaders inspire employees’ commitment. People get excited about what’s possible, but they commit only when they understand their role in making it happen.

In relation to this, Republic Act No. 9155 known as Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, School Administrators were provided the mandate for decentralized system of school management. In public schools, School Administrators is composed of a School Head and one or more Administrative Officers. This allowed them the freedom to manage administrative and instructional supervision of their respective designated school(s).

Being an Administrative Officer, I consider the act of Power Tripping to be morally not right and hinders School Administrators to be an efficient and effective Leader.  Power tripping occurs when Schools Administrators misuse their authority e.g., delegate task for their personal benefit and interest to Administrative Staffs and/or Teachers. Abuse of power can be defined as any excessive exercise of a power by an individual, it’s when that individual uses their capabilities outside the usual scope of action or, in simpler terms, they exceed the limit of their rights (De Silans, 2020).

The Effects of Power Tripping to the Organization and Employees

The misuse or abuse of authority for personal gain and interest committed by leaders have detrimental effect to the organization as well as to the employee. Wejinya, O. O., & Agwoje, S. E. (2023) pointed up that the quality of an organization's leadership has a significant impact on its growth, productivity, and success. An organization's bottom line might take a serious hit if its leadership makes certain bad choices.

The following are the effects of Power Tripping to the Organization as a whole and its impact to the individual employees:

a)    Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives of the Organization are not satisfied. A Mission statement is important for an organization because it defines the business, products or services, and customers, thereby defining the primary objective. Vision on the other hand, focuses on its goals and aspirations, which describes how the future will look if the organization achieves its mission. The vision and mission statements define the purpose of the organization and instill a sense of belonging and identity to the employees (OpenGrowth, n.d.).

A Power Tripping Leader derails from the achievement of the organization’s mission and vision because resources will be channeled to his personal gain and interest.

b)    Poor Reputation. Leaders who misuses their authority can severely harm an organization’s reputation. When employees are unhappy and have lost trust in the leadership, they are more likely to speak negatively about the organization. Whether it is communicated internally within the organization or externally, both can have a damaging impact on the organization’s image and brand. Additionally, there is a possibility of attracting negative media attention which can further harm the organization’s reputation.

c)    Increased employee burnout, stress and anxiety. When employees have to deal with critical behavior, it can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety and negatively impacts their mental health. In addition, negative leadership can result in a toxic work environment, which can make it difficult for employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

d)    Diminished Employee Morale. One of the most immediate impacts is a decrease in employee morale as well as overall job satisfaction. Leaders who power trip often engage in behaviors such as micromanagement and aggressive criticism which can be both demoralizing and damaging to an employee’s self-esteem and confidence which in turn directly impacts their work performance. Employees will not go above and above if they have no loyalty to the organization they work for. This might hinder the organization's capacity to innovate and reach its objectives.

e)    Increased Employee Turnover and Absenteeism. Leadership that misuse/abuse their authority can also contribute to high employee turnover rates. When employees have lost confidence in the leadership and are unhappy with their working environment, they are likely to look for other job opportunities or even avoid work altogether.

The Pivotal Role of Transformational Leadership

The University of Massachusetts (n.d.) emphasized that transformational leaders inspire employees in ways that go beyond exchanges and rewards. This approach can increase a team’s intrinsic motivation by expressing the value and purpose behind the organization’s goals.

The following are the components of transformational leadership:

a)    Individualized consideration. Transformational leaders listen to employees’ concerns and needs so they can provide adequate support. They operate from the understanding that what motivates one person may not motivate someone else. As a result, they’re able to adapt their management styles to accommodate various individuals on their team.

b)    Inspirational motivation. Transformational leaders are able to articulate a unified vision that encourages team members to exceed expectations. They understand that the most motivated employees are the ones who have a strong sense of purpose. These leaders are not afraid to challenge employees. They remain optimistic about future goals and are skilled at giving meaning to the tasks at hand.

c)    Idealized influence. Transformational leaders model ethical behavior. Their moral conduct earns a necessary level of respect and trust. This can help leaders steer decision-making that works to improve the entire organization.

d)    Intellectual stimulation. Transformational leaders regularly challenge assumptions, take risks and solicit team members' input and ideas. They don't fear failure, and instead foster an environment where it's safe to have conversations, be creative and voice diverse perspectives. This empowers employees to ask questions, practice a greater level of autonomy and ultimately determine more effective ways to execute their tasks.

The following are traits of successful transformational leaders:

a)    Good transformational leaders practice self-awareness. Transformational leaders thrive on personal growth and know their strengths and weaknesses. They often take time to reflect and set daily or weekly goals. These leaders believe everyone, including themselves, should be continually learning and improving.

b)    They remain open-minded. Remaining open to new ideas and fresh perspectives is an important aspect of transformational leadership. Rather than jumping to conclusions, these leaders regularly gather feedback and ideas from a range of sources before making strategic decisions.

c)    The best transformational leaders are adaptable and innovative. Good transformational leaders understand changing business dynamics and are always finding innovative ways to stay ahead of the curve. They’re unafraid to alter traditional approaches that have worked in the past as they look toward the future.

d)    Good transformational leaders are proactive. Leaders cannot simply sit around and wait for change to happen. Rather, they make proactive decisions and bold choices that can set the tone for others to follow.

e)    They lead with humility. Finally, transformational leaders take little issue with admitting they don’t have all the answers. While they can remain confident in their goals and abilities, they’re also able to keep their egos in check and do what’s right for their team or organization.


Misuse of authority exhibits far-reaching consequences on an organization's productivity. Bad management have a detrimental influence on employee attitudes, output, and commitment to the organization. The cumulative consequence of these issues is lower output and higher turnover.

The presence of ethical leadership, training and development programs, promotion of ethical behavior, employee involvement, clear standards of behavior, acknowledgment for good performance, and possibilities for growth all contribute to a productive workplace. Incorporating this may boost morale, teamwork, and decision-making effectiveness in the organization.

Trust, open communication, and mutual regard among workers are the strongest defense against incompetent management. If leaders want to gain followers' trust, they must be made to answer for their deeds. Providing employees with opportunities for growth and development may enhance morale and mitigate the effects of incompetent management. Weak leadership has systemic consequences, which necessitate a systemic approach to coping with them.

A transformational leadership style inspires employees to strive beyond required expectations to work toward a shared vision. Learning to balance these can help leaders reach their full potential. In order to build and maintain a performance-driven culture, it is crucial to set and monitor specific performance targets, as well as provide regular feedback on success.









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