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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Leaders: Why do we need them in an organization?



                                                     DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF LAOAG 

"The true mark of a leader is the willingness to stick with a bold course of action — an unconventional business strategy, a unique product-development road map, a controversial marketing campaign — even as the rest of the world wonders why you're not marching in step with the status quo. In other words, real leaders are happy to zig while others zag. They understand that in an era of hyper-competition and non-stop disruption, the only way to stand out from the crowd is to stand for something special."
-Bill Taylor


The organization of today does not have the luxury of stability since it faces an ever increasing change in markets, customers and technology. It needs to accept, adopt and implement changes in the business model according to changing trends, technologies, customer preferences and future concerns (Sarna,SK, 2015).  Making decisions is guided by the values and the question is about the values of the current "leaders". Many organizations have fallen into disrespectful leadership by leaders, according to them, are the leaders who bring growth or decline of effectiveness in the organization. The leader as a person in charge or as a change agent can manage an organization or the process of organizational change more effectively and successfully if he/she is capable and competent. Organizational change is a demand of the day, and needed for organizations to survive. Naturally, the question arises. "What role does the leader play in enhancing the organization's effectiveness?" Does the style of leadership guide the structure and culture of the organization? Leaders have very different ways of directing a team, a division, or a company. Some are subdued and analytical; others are charismatic and go with their gut. And different of situations call for different types of leadership. According to Goleman (1999), effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence.  This article discusses the importance and role that the leader plays in the organization, its qualities and characteristic

Keywords: leader, leadership, roles, qualities, characteristic


An organization is considered to be effective if it finds the balance between the demands of owners, employees, customers, community and the needs of the employees. The leader plays a key role in the orientation and direction of the organization which is the one that sets the vision and mission of the organization and others follow it. So, an appropriate leadership style influence and ensure the prosperity and the economic growth of both organization and employees. One important aspect is the way it treats and orients human resources and their involvement in making decisions. Leadership is one of the main factors in bringing positive change to the organization; if there is no leadership in the organization they will not be able to change in the direction they desire and could experience negative change instead. (Meraku, 2017)

Leadership is critical to business and to life. There has been a lot of work done and books written about leadership, yet it is still much undervalued. Most companies spend more time and money training management than they do training leadership. The most successful organizations – whether they are a business, government, community or military – are successful because of great leaders. Of all the skills needed in groups, leadership is the most important

What is a Leader?

A leader is the one who guides or inspires others in action or opinion; one who takes the lead in any enterprise or movement; one who is “followed”. Leader is a role (Rush, 2012). A leader is the one in the charge, the person who convinces other people to follow. A great leader inspires confidence in other people and moves them to action. "The leader is defined as any person who influences individuals and groups within the organization, helps them in defining objectives and guides them towards achieving these goals" (Nahavandi, 2003). The perception of the leader in many successful companies consists of three elements on which other elements can be raised. These elements are: For leaders to be visible, the importance of the leader to be visible is based on Lord Sieff's statement: "Being an effective leader should see, and better than ever seeing in action". Leaders offer a clear misunderstanding, who first and foremost trust the people themselves and encourage others to do so. (Meraku , 2017). 

Qualities That Define a Good Leader


 A great leader is always able to lead a team to success, regardless of the situation that they are facing. In order to help you achieve better results for your company and make you a better leader, here are some key leadership qualities that every good leader should possess or learn from. These qualities are the foundation of a good leadership. While some of these leadership qualities may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader, it is definitely something you can develop and strengthen over time. (https://inside.6q.io/qualities-that-define-a-good-leader/)


1. Honesty

One of the leadership qualities that define a good leader is honesty. When you are responsible for a team of people, it is important to be straightforward. Your company and its employees are a reflection of yourself, and if you make honest and ethical behaviour as a key value, your team will follow. Leader should remember to lead by example.

 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell




2. Delegate

Regardless of the situation and position you are in, always remember that you can’t do everything on your own. Good leaders recognize that delegation does more than simply passing the task to someone else. It is trusting and believing that your employees are able to handle the task given to them.

Delegating to others shows that you have confidence in their abilities, and this can result in a positive morale in the workplace. Your employees want to feel appreciated and trusted. So by giving them a task, they would generally feel honored that they got selected and they would feel the importance of having them around.


3. Communication

Communication is the key to success, said everyone. Without clear communication, your employees will have trouble to understand your mission, goals, and vision.

Good communication is a leadership attribute for a number of reasons. Communication should be consistent when it comes to establishing work expectations or giving constructive feedback. With great communication, your employees will have a broad understanding to what they are working for.

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” -Nelson Mandela


4. Confidence

Another one of the leadership qualities, is having confidence. There may be days where the future of your brand is cloudy or the monthly sales do not look promising. Any company or businesses would have gone through these issues before; so it is not something new.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to maintain the team morale and keep moving forward. Keep your confidence level up and assure everyone that setbacks being looked into. By staying calm and confident, the team would not worry as they put their trust in you. 

5. Commitment

Nothing shows commitment like getting your hands dirty with the rest of the employees. There is no greater motivation than seeing their leader working alongside everyone else. By proving your commitment to the company and especially your team, you will not only earn the respect of your team, but will also instill that same hardworking drive among your staff.

Showing your commitment sets the example for others to follow, and leads to greater loyalty and respect for you as a leader. Set the tone of commitment, and others will follow suit. Remember that if you expect your team to work hard and produce quality work, you would need to lead by example.


6. Positive attitude

You want to keep your team motivated towards the continued success of the company, and keep the energy levels up. Whether that means providing snacks, coffee, relationship advice, or even just an occasional beer in the office, remember that everyone on your team is a person. Keep the office mood a fine balance between productivity and playfulness.

If your team is feeling happy and upbeat, chances are they won’t mind staying that extra hour to finish a report, or devoting their best work to the brand.

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter Drucker

7. Creativity

As a good leader is someone the team could look up to for answers or solutions, it is up to you to think outside the box when any issues arise.

You could also gather the team and start brainstorming ideas to build upon some of your ideas. When you get your employees involved in a decision or an idea, they often the importance of their existence in the company. They feel respected and wanted and at times, even looking forward to work. 

8. Inspire

Another quality that defines a good leader is being inspiring. Being able to inspire your team is great for focusing on the company’s vision and goals, but it is also important for the team during their current projects.

When your team are drowning in workload or their morale is low, you as a leader need to be inspiring and start finding ways to inspire your team. It is your job to keep spirits up, and that begins with an appreciation for the hard work that they have put in. Start off by giving words of encouragement once in a while.


9. Empathy

Having empathy as a leader goes a long way. Empathy is the ability to understand or feel what other people are experiencing. In other words, they put themselves in other people’s shoe. Extraordinary leaders praise in public and address problems in private.

At times, leaders need to look after their team‘s feelings. The best leaders guide employees through challenges and are always on the lookout for a solution. Instead of making things personal when they encounter problems, or assigning blame to individuals, good leaders look for constructive solutions and focus on moving forward. 

10. Accountability

A good leader takes responsibility for everyone’s performance as well as their own. When things are going well, they praise. However when problems arise, they identify them quickly, seek solutions, and get the team back on track. 

11. Enthusiastic

A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause.

Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.


12. Focus and drive

A good leader is generally focused and they are able to think rationally. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to narrow down the cause as well as find the solution to the problem.

Leaders should also be self-driven to work harder in wanting to achieve better results for the company. They are the driving force in the team and also someone the team could look up to and encourage the rest to work together. “People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.” -Theodore Roosevelt


13. Responsible

The last quality that defines a good leader is being responsible. Great leaders know that when it comes to their company or workplace, they need to take personal responsibility for failure.

A good leader does not make excuses; they take the blame regardless and then work out how to fix the problem as soon as possible. Responsibility is definitely a key leadership attribute.


What Are the Characteristics of a Good Leader?

Leaders shape our nations, communities, and organizations. We need good leaders to help guide us and make the essential large-scale decisions that keep the world moving. (https://www.ccl.org/blog/characteristics-good-leader/)



1. Integrity

The importance of integrity should be obvious. Though it may not necessarily be a metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the individual and the organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research show that integrity may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations. Make sure your organization reinforces the importance of integrity to leaders at various levels.


2. Ability to Delegate

Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can be tricky to delegate effectively. The goal isn’t just to free yourself up — it’s also to enable your direct reports, facilitate teamwork, provide autonomy, lead to better decision-making, and help your direct reports grow. In order to delegate well, you also need to build trust with your team.


3. Communication

Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. You need to be able to communicate in a variety of ways, from transmitting information to coaching your people. And you must be able to communicate with a range of people across roles, social identities, and more.


4. Self-Awareness

While this is a more inwardly focused skill, self-awareness is paramount for leadership. The better you understand yourself, the more effective you can be. Do you know how other people view you, or how you show up at work?


5. Gratitude

Giving thanks will actually make you a better leader. Gratitude can lead to higher self-esteem, reduced depression and anxiety, and even better sleep. Few people regularly say “thank you” at work, even though most people say they’d be willing to work harder for an appreciative boss.


6. Learning Agility

Learning agility is the ability to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. If you’re a “quick study” or are able to excel in unfamiliar circumstances, you might already be learning agile. But anybody can foster learning agility through practice, experience, and effort. Explore how great leaders are great learners, with strong learning agility to get started.


7. Influence

For some people, “influence” feels like a dirty word. But being able to convince people through logical, emotional, or cooperative appeals is a component of being an inspiring, effective leader. Influence is quite different from manipulation, and it needs to be done authentically and transparently. It requires emotional intelligence and trust-building.


8. Empathy

Empathy is correlated with job performance. If you show more empathy towards your direct reports, our research shows you’re more likely to be viewed as a better performer by your boss. Empathy can be learned, and in addition to making you more effective, it will also improve work for you and those around you.


9. Courage

It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a new idea, provide feedback to a direct report, or flag a concern for someone above you. That’s part of the reason courage is a key skill for good leaders. Rather than avoiding problems or allowing conflicts to fester, courage enables leaders to step up and move things in the right direction. Learn more about why a positive workplace environment and culture requires courage and truth.


10. Respect

Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a leader can do. It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Respect is more than the absence of disrespect, and it can be shown in many ways.


Importance of Leadership

·         Initiating Action: Leadership starts from the very beginning, even before the work starts. A leader is a person who communicates the policies and plans to the subordinates to start the work.

·         Providing Motivation: A leader motivates the employees by giving them financial and non-financial incentives and gets the work done efficiently. Motivation is the driving force in an individual’s life.

·         Providing guidance: A leader not only supervises the employees but also guides them in their work. He instructs the subordinates on how to perform their work effectively so that their efforts do not get wasted.

·         Creating confidence: A leader acknowledges the efforts of the employees, explains to them their role clearly and guides them to achieve their goals. He also resolves the complaints and problems of the employees, thereby building confidence in them regarding the organization.

·         Building work environment: A good leader should maintain personal contacts with the employees and should hear their problems and solve them. He always listens to the point of view of the employees and in case of disagreement persuades them to agree with him by giving suitable clarifications. In case of conflicts, he handles them carefully and does not allow it to adversely affect the entity. A positive and efficient work environment helps in stable growth of the organization.

·         Co-ordination: A leader reconciles the personal interests of the employees with the organizational goals and achieves co-ordination in the entity.

·         Creating Successors: A leader trains his subordinates in such a manner that they can succeed him in future easily in his absence. He creates more leaders

Induces change: A leader persuades, clarifies, and inspires employees to accept any change in the organization without much resistance and discontentment. He makes sure that employees do not feel insecure about the changes. https://www.toppr.com/guides/business-studies/directing/leadership/


Role of a Leader

Following are the main roles of a leader in an organization (https://www.managementstudyguide.com/role_of_a_leader.htm)

  1. Required at all levels- Leadership is a function which is important at all levels of management. In the top level, it is important for getting cooperation in formulation of plans and policies. In the middle and lower level, it is required for interpretation and execution of plans and programs framed by the top management. Leadership can be exercised through guidance and counseling of the subordinates at the time of execution of plans.
  2. Representative of the organization- A leader, i.e., a manager is said to be the representative of the enterprise. He has to represent the concern at seminars, conferences, general meetings, etc. His role is to communicate the rationale of the enterprise to outside public. He is also representative of the own department which he leads.
  3. Integrates and reconciles the personal goals with organizational goals- A leader through leadership traits helps in reconciling/ integrating the personal goals of the employees with the organizational goals. He is trying to co-ordinate the efforts of people towards a common purpose and thereby achieves objectives. This can be done only if he can influence and get willing co-operation and urge to accomplish the objectives.
  4. He solicits support- A leader is a manager and besides that he is a person who entertains and invites support and co-operation of subordinates. This he can do by his personality, intelligence, maturity and experience which can provide him positive result. In this regard, a leader has to invite suggestions and if possible implement them into plans and programs of enterprise. This way, he can solicit full support of employees which results in willingness to work and thereby effectiveness in running of a concern.
  5. As a friend, philosopher and guide- A leader must possess the three dimensional traits in him. He can be a friend by sharing the feelings, opinions and desires with the employees. He can be a philosopher by utilizing his intelligence and experience and thereby guiding the employees as and when time requires. He can be a guide by supervising and communicating the employees the plans and policies of top management and secure their co-operation to achieve the goals of a concern. At times he can also play the role of a counselor by counseling and a problem-solving approach. He can listen to the problems of the employees and try to solve them.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Emotional intelligence is widely known to be a key component of effective leadership. The ability to be perceptively in tune with yourself and your emotions, as well as having sound situational awareness can be a powerful tool for leading a team. The act of knowing, understanding, and responding to emotions, overcoming stress in the moment, and being aware of how your words and actions affect others, is described as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence for leadership can consist of these five attributes: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, relationship management, and effective communication. (Gleeson, 2015)

Leaders are closely observed in terms of their body language, facial expressions etc. So, it is important for a leader to consider the non-verbal form of expressions as well, which may positively or negatively influence followers. Therefore, if a leader is talking about ethics in business with a slightly unconvinced and bemused look on his face, the followers make a note of it and the message is not received by them. A leader has to act as a role model too, supporting his statements, ideologies and values with appropriate actions.

As a leader one also has to be aware of one’s own capabilities and weaknesses, it is difficult to accept guidance from a leader who is not self-aware. As managers, leaders have to empathize as well with the situations, emotions, aspirations and motivations of the subordinates. A decreasing performance of a team member might be because of a number of reasons, a disruptive worker might be facing motivation issues and a subordinate who uses abusive language with others might be lacking confidence in his own abilities. A leader needs to discern facts and try and reach to deeper levels and understand things beyond obvious.

Emotional Intelligence is also important because the followers or subordinate expect it from their leaders. A subordinate working closely with the manager would expect the manager to understand his situation and priorities. And not surprisingly, whether manager does so or not, affects his level of commitment and performance at work. A leader has to suitably know and understand when he/she needs to be directive and when he needs to delegate. He/she needs to be aware, when the team members are acting as one unit and when there are differences. (https://www.managementstudyguide.com/emotional-intelligence-for-leaders.htm)



Many of us in leadership or management positions know what we need to do to be better leaders, we just sometimes fail to act. Being a great leader requires constant personal and professional development, regular transparent feedback from the team, self-reflection and taking action on feedback received. Great leaders are rarely satisfied with their performance. Without the team there can be no real leadership.  Effective leaders have specific attributes it shows specific behavior of styles of leadership. The effective leader creates the situation that is best for the organization through the use of skills and processes. The significance of business leadership is well expressed by this organization: A good leader can make a success of a weak business, but a poor leader can destroy even the best plan. ( Madanchian, et.al, 2017)

Leaders and their leadership skills play an important role in the growth of any organization. Leadership refers to the process of influencing the behavior of people in a manner that they strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group objectives. A leader should have the ability to maintain good interpersonal relations with the followers or subordinates and motivate them to help in achieving the organizational objectives.

Leaders will be successful as they become skilled, sometimes forceful, in practicing these core elements of vision, strategy, operations, and tactics. But the most successful leaders also blend these with other core leadership attributes of gratitude, humility, and caring. The opportunity to provide leadership should be seen as a gift, not an entitlement. All too often the leader may feel that he or she should have all the answers. As noted earlier, leaders should be skilled at asking the right questions, rather than holding themselves to the impossible task of being all knowing. Finally, inspirational leaders demonstrate that they care about others, first, for who they are and, second, for what they can do. In other works, exemplary leaders regard others first as “human beings,” rather than as “human doings.” (Baker, 2014)



Baker, Edward L. MD, MPH Leadership and Management—Guiding Principles, Best Practices, and Core Attributes, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: May/June 2014 - Volume 20 - Issue 3 - p 356-357. Retrieved from doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000063, July 11, 2020

Clarke L. Qualities That Define a Good Leader (13 Personal Traits), Retrieved from https://inside.6q.io/qualities-that-define-a-good-leader/, July 11, 2020

Goleman D. (1999), What makes a leader? Clinical Laboratory Management Review : Official Publication of the Clinical Laboratory Management Association. 1999 May-Jun;13(3):123-131. Retrieved from http://europepmc.org/article/med/10557873, July 11, 2020

Gleeson B. (2016), Leadership Strategy. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2016/11/09/10-unique-perspectives-on-what-makes-a-great-leader/#53e2838d5dd1, July 11, 2020

Gleeson B. (2015), 5 Aspects of Emotional Intelligence Required for Effective Leadership. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/brent-gleeson/5-aspects-of-emotional-intelligence-required-for-effective-leadership.html#:~:text=Emotional%20intelligence%20for%20leadership%20can,relationship%20management%2C%20and%20effective%20communication.&text=A%20leader%20lacking%20in%20emotional,expectations%20of%20those%20they%20lead. July 11, 2020

Hughes, Richard, Ginnett, C. Robert, Curphy, J. Gordon. 1999. Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. New York: McGraw Hill

Juneja P. (2020) Role of a Leader. Retrieved from https://www.managementstudyguide.com/role_of_a_leader.htm, July 11, 2020

Juneja P. (2020) Emotional Intelligence for Leaders. Retrieved from https://www.managementstudyguide.com/emotional-intelligence-for-leaders.htm, July 11, 2020

Meraku A. (2017), Role of Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2017. Retrieved from http://www.joebm.com/vol5/535-ES0060.pdf, July 11, 2020

Madanchian, M., Hussein, N., Noordin, F., & Taherdoost, H. (2017). Leadership Effectiveness Measurement and Its Effect on Organization Outcomes. In Procedia Engineering (Vol. 181, pp. 1043–1048). Elsevier Ltd. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.02.505, July 11, 2020

Rush G. (2012) Why We Need Leaders . Realizing Leadership, Issue 1 November 2012., Retrieved https://www.mgrconsulting.com/index.php/44-focused-enewsletters-gary-rush-facilitation/leadership-concepts-by-gary-rush-facilitation/226-why-we-need-leaders, July 11, 2020

Sarna S.K. (2015), Importance of leadership for Organizational Excellence. Retrieved from https://www.ispatguru.com/importance-of-leadership-for-organizational-excellence/, July 11, 2020

What Are the Characteristics of a Good Leader?, Retrieved from https://www.ccl.org/blog/characteristics-good-leader/, July 11, 2020


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